
TouchandholdtheCall/VoiceTouchareaoftheheadsetfor10seconds,andthenrelease.TheheadsetwillannouncethatitisintheSettingsMenu.,Pass-throughaudioletsyouchoosehowmuchambientnoiseyouwanttohear.Roamupto45metreswithcallclarityeverystepoftheway.Easilyswitchbetween ...,Pass-throughaudioletsyouchoosehowmuchambientnoiseyouwanttohear.•Roamupto150ftwithcallclarityeverystepoftheway.3.•Easilyswitch ...,評分2.8...

How do I manage settings on the Moto Hint?

Touch and hold the Call/Voice Touch area of the headset for 10 seconds, and then release. The headset will announce that it is in the Settings Menu.

Moto Hint

Pass-through audio lets you choose how much ambient noise you want to hear. Roam up to 45 metres with call clarity every step of the way. Easily switch between ...

[PDF] Hint + Spec Sheet

Pass-through audio lets you choose how much ambient noise you want to hear. • Roam up to 150ft with call clarity every step of the way.3. • Easily switch ...

Motorola Hint 入耳式藍牙耳機新版本- 黑色- 零售: 電子

評分 2.8 (198) 包括充電盒,可額外提供8 小時的電池壽命; 與摩托羅拉手機配對時,與非接觸式控制配合使用; 持久舒適/符合人體工學。 用於智慧通話路由的入耳式感應器; 可自訂以符合您的 ...

moto hint voice controlled wireless bluetooth earbuds

the moto hint gives you complete control of your phone and allows you to access everything you need by just using your voice.

全世界全新『先創公司貨』MOTO Hint Plus 迷你型抗噪耳塞式藍牙 ...

雙麥克風,CrystalTalk 降噪技術。 ... Passthrough Audio 功能(通話/音樂播放時無法使用),透過耳機麥克風收音聽到周圍環境的聲音,. 不怕戴上耳機後聽不到身旁的朋友和您說話 ...

Moto Hint review

評分 6/10 · David Pierce · The Hint will work with any Bluetooth-enabled device, using it with the Moto X means you get the full breadth of what Moto Voice offers.

Hands on with Moto Hint, a new Bluetooth earbud

Motorola unveiled Moto Hint today, which is a new Bluetooth earbud. It solves the problem that most Bluetooth headsets are just too bulky.

Moto Hint problems

1. Put Hint in ear and it will connect to phone. Then press and hold MFB on Hint for 10 seconds (should hear an initial beep and after ~10 seconds two beeps).